Author: Admin

A Harvest of Love

For this month’s message, I’d like to look at a very unusual and puzzling piece of Scripture from the tenth chapter of Hosea. I’ve come to believe the message contained therein is relevant to us today, despite being written some 2740 years ago.The passage begins with these words: 9“Since the days of Gibeah, you have sinned, O Israel, and there… Read more →


This month is a particularly happy one for St Andrew’s Street Baptist Church. On 3rd September, we welcomed Reverend Tim Clarke-Wood as the new Associate Minister. For Tim and his family, it’s a time of great change: farewell, peaceful Croyde; hello, bustling Cambridge! I have no doubt that it will be a time of adventure for the family and a… Read more →

Discerning God’s Will

As a minister, I am frequently asked questions about God. By far the most common question is this, “How do I discern God’s will?” This is a difficult question to answer, frequently made more difficult by the plethora of options, outcomes, pitfalls and promises that the world sprinkles into our lives. As always, the Lord Himself blesses us with answers… Read more →


One of the great heroes of the Christian Faith is Athanasius of Alexandria (296-373AD). He was given a number of soubriquets, including: Athanasius the Confessor, Athanasius the Apostolic, Athanasius Contra Mundum (‘against the world’) and, simply, Athanasius the Great. He began his journey of faith at a tender age. A story is told of Bishop Alexander standing at his window… Read more →

Maggie’s Wallace

On 7th December, I had the privilege of attending the Maggie’s Christmas Carol Concert. As I sat enjoying the cornucopia of readings and music, I reflected on the foundation of the charity and on some additional Bible readings that would have suited the occasion well. For those who have never heard of this charity, Maggie’s Wallace offers a broad range… Read more →

Supporting Syrian Refugees – A Tale of Two Schemes…

As of August 2017 the United Nations Refugee Agency has registered 5,165,502 Syrian refugees. Our church has asked a simple question: how can we be a blessing to these traumatised and displaced people? There is a little team of 14 church members who have tried to answer that question. They have discovered that finding an answer is not easy… and… Read more →

Stand Outside

I’ve very much enjoyed the last few months of doing street outreach on Sunday evenings. The entrance to St Andrew’s Street Baptist Church provides an ideal setting for standing outside, smiling at and engaging with passers-by. For this month’s Messenger letter, I’d like to share a few reflections regarding what goes on and, I hope, encourage more folks to come… Read more →

Humanity failed…

About two years ago a particularly heart wrenching photograph found its way onto social media. It was eventually described as the picture that, ‘broke the internet’s heart’. The photo itself is of a four year-old Syrian girl called Hudea. A Turkish photographer aimed a telephoto lens at her and she thought the camera was a gun. The picture captures the… Read more →

Limitless Resources in Christ

A few days ago our Centre Manager, Eileen, and I attended the Resettling Vulnerable Syrian Refugees conference in Bury St Edmund’s. It was a fascinating and moving experience. After an introduction by the East of England Local Government Association (EELGA), we went through a day of lectures and workshops from some of the agencies stepping forward to support Syrian refugees.… Read more →

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