Category: Sermons
How I Write A Sermon
How I Write A Sermon “Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.” (Proverbs 29:18 ESV) As far as I am concerned, my primary calling as a minister is to faithfully attempt to bring God’s message to His people at the Sunday services and other gatherings. This involves:… Read more →
Moral Bankruptcy – Bible study for Sunday 21st October 2012
Moral Bankruptcy – Bible study for Sunday 21st October 2012 1. David’s adulterous affair with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband had long lasting effects. It could be argued that David was left ‘morally bankrupt’ as a result of his actions – he appeared to struggle to give authoritative moral guidance after the affair. This Bible study is designed… Read more →
Confession – Bible study for Sunday 14th October 2012
Confession – Bible study for Sunday 14th October 2012 1. This is a very difficult, but crucial, question for each person in the group to consider: how much importance do you place on being able to understand the world around you? What are your thoughts/reflections on this story? While Augustine of Hippo (354-430AD) was writing his masterpiece, ‘De Trinitate’ (‘On… Read more →
Confidence in God – Bible study for Sunday 30th September 2012
Confidence in God – Bible study for Sunday 30th September 2012 1. As an opening group discussion question: do you find it easy to believe the promises made in the Bible? Consider Matthew 6:31-33, or any other example of a firm Scriptural promise. Read 1 Samuel 22:6-23 together (NB it will be helpful if the leader gives a brief recap… Read more →
Fears of King David Bible Study
The Four Fears of David – Bible study based on Sunday 9th September 2012 1. As an opening group discussion question: when have you felt fear? Did it have a positive or negative effect on your life/the lives of those around you? 2. 1 Samuel 21:1-2 – David has developed a hardened heart and a fear of trusting others (quite understandably!)… Read more →