Confidence in God – Bible study for Sunday 30th September 2012

Confidence in God – Bible study for Sunday 30th September 2012

1. As an opening group discussion question: do you find it easy to believe the promises made in the Bible?  Consider Matthew 6:31-33, or any other example of a firm Scriptural promise.

Read 1 Samuel 22:6-23 together (NB it will be helpful if the leader gives a brief recap of ‘the story so far’, regarding Saul, David and Doeg).

2. Before Christ was physically among us, God used His people as a means of delivering His Divine justice, as well as a means of showing His compassion, cf. 1 Samuel 15:2-3.  What reasons might God have had for commanding this?  Why might it have been essential for God to keep His people holy and separate from the evils of surrounding world?  Is this (and other similar Old Testament incidents) linked to the story of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11)?  How has the role of God’s People changed from Old Testament times?

Does the revelation of God’s justice make you feel confident in Him?  Why?

3. In 1 Samuel 2:31 God announces His plan and it is fulfilled in 1 Kings 2:26-27.  Likewise, God warns His people that a king will steal from them in 1 Samuel 8:14 – this is fulfilled in 1 Samuel 15:7.  Do you have personal experience of the fulfilment of a prophecy?  Do you feel that God has a plan for your life?  How has it been revealed so far?

Does the revelation of God’s plan make you feel confident in Him?  Why?

4. Psalm 52 is David’s fascinating meditation on Doeg’s rejection of God and his boasting in evil.  David, in a very simple manner, also tells of how God has revealed Himself as loving, a refuge and a source of life.  This revelation has given David a different worldview to Doeg: David likens himself to a ‘green olive tree’, safe and flourishing in God’s house.

Do you feel that God has revealed Himself to you as loving, a refuge and a source of life, or would you use different/additional words to describe this revelation?

Does the way God has revealed Himself to you make you feel confident in Him?  Why?


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